Welcome to the Discovery Boys Soccer Online Spirit Shop
You can browse the selection, pick the items you want, and check out online. During this process you will pay full shipping for your items which will be shipped to you at the address you listed.
Alternatively, you can place an order and select "Discovery TEAM PICK UP" on the shipping screen. You will pay a reduced shipping rate, and the order will be delivered to the coach or designated person. Each order will be bundled individually, ready for pick-up at practice or a game.
Some items allow you to personalize them with your name. If the items can be personalized, you will see a text box on the relevant item page. Spell your name carefully as it will be printed exactly as indicated. Personalization needs to be indicated on each item you would like personalized.
ORDERS NEED TO BE PLACED BY DECEMBER 9th at Noon. Items will be delivered on December 19th.
Thank you & GO SPARTANS !
Please give us a call with any questions you may have at 863.875.6160.